What can I say? Nepal feels like coming home.

A pic of Mount Everest that I took
Back in March, I went through a rebirthing ceremony with my dear friends, Kadek and Suma, in Bali. I felt renewed and refreshed. However, over the past almost 6 months, something incredibly powerful has been stirred in my soul and is only now manisfesting as an undeniable peace that I have never known before.
Nepal is incredible. As I lean further into the history here, I am finding a country built on the back of massacres and other traumas and is only now coming into it's maturity. Gone are the days of the ubiquitous hippy nirvana. Dont get me wrong, you can still find this if that is what you seek.
But for me, it is a growing, it is a heartbeat and it is the feeling of placing my feet on a path to myself.

I arrived in Kathmandu and was immediately whisked away to Bhaktapur. A comfortable sleep later and I woke in a wonderland. Cobbled streets, carts, bikes, beautiful women in saris, fresh and handmade wares spread on colourful pashminas for sale. The tinkle of little bells as the monks make their way through the ancient streets. It was magical!
Mere steps from my door, I found myself at the incredible Bhaktapur Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.

Local markets

Bhaktapur Durbar Square
After a few days I made my way over to my home for the next 28 days, Mystic Vibes Fitness Commune. I really didn't know what to expect, and more than once I had the thought 'Wtf am I doing staying at a gym? Anyhow, I felt drawn to the place and I'm not sorry.
What an awesome place. I have mets some of the most incredible people, enjoyed chilling out in an authentic environment away from the tourist pit that is Thamel and central Kathmandu. (Don't get me wrong, that can be way fun, but I prefer staying out of the hectic pace of the city). Most surprisingly, I have found myself focusing on my health and fitness. I feel the strongest and most beautiful I have felt in years.
Each morning, I spend 15 minutes meditating over the most gorgeous madala I purchased from one of monastery art schools in Kathmandu. I then do some stretches in my room before heading to the gym for 30 mins on the bike.
This is usually followed by a decent walk into town (40-50 mins) and have a wander around. I haven't done this every day, but most days I have, and it feels amazing!
The best thing about any place is, of course, the people. Sunit, the manager/owner of Mystic Vibes, is someone I hope to be friends with forever. He's working hard to build up his businesses and is just a lot of fun to be around.

I've met a couple of people just wandering around in town. Vinay is the sweetest. I bought him his first cocktail and we had a delicious lunch overlooking Kathmandu Durbar Square. We also went over to Pushupatinath Temple where they wash the bodies and hold cremations. You could feel the powerful energy there. We wandered around and found monkeys eating icecream and being monkeys.

Vinay's first taste of Mojito
I've also enjoyed hanging out with Bikas, a student at Kathmandu University. We took a walk around the markets and enjoyed some cocktails in a bar overlooking the street on a gorgeous rainy afternoon.
I had an amazing night out in Thamel where I took myself off to Purple Haze Rock Bar and got to hang out with my new friend, Dixon.

Party time - I was very hot and sweaty from dancing
Ratish is the personal trainer here at the gym. A sweet, genuine guy who seems to really love to see people grow and reach their goals.

There are always people who come through the gym and stop in upstairs in the commune area, and I have met the most interesting people from all over.
THAT weekend started out innocently. It was the Fitness Centre's 10th anniversary, coinciding with Sunit's 30th birthday. There may have been some pre-party drinks on Thursday night. All good. I decided to surprise Sunit with a cake to celebrate both occasions (anniversary and birthday. We had some drinks, people turned up, it was fun.
Anyway, we headed out afterwards to keep the party going. I remember handing my phone to Sunit to call a taxi and I went to my room to put on my boots. When I came out, Sunit handed me my phone and told me to head downstairs.
I made my way downstairs and my beautiful friends, Roanaq and Dipesh, from the local Nepali band The Elements were down there ready to go to the next location. I was feeling pretty merry at this point and told them the taxi would be there any minute.
They ushered me over to a car and I sat in the front. When we arrived, I got my purse out to pay the driver. They all laughed at me - the driver was friend giving us a lift. This is where I think I put my phone down. We went into the art gallery/dance club, and I danced. At some point I realised that I didn't have my phone.
I though maybe I hadn't got my phone back from Sunit. Oh well. I danced and had lots of fun. At another point, we ended up at another club. I think. When I saw Sunit, he told me that he did not have my phone, so then I though maybe I left it in my room when I went to put my boots on.
It was daylight when we left the club. Soon, we were back in the car and headed out of Kathmandu Valley. We wended our way up to this gorgeous resort up in the mountains overlooking the valley. Absolutely stunning! I have no photos, as no phone. It was an outdoor rave party. I danced again and at one point I crashed out on a bed in one of the resort rooms with people sprawled everywhere.
When I woke, I wandered up to find my friends and a swimming pool - and they hired swimming costumes. A nice cool swim was perfect!
The afternoon was spent lazing around eating good food with people who I now consider my friends. We stayed for the sunset. At this time, I knew my friends and family would likely be worried as I have been offline for over 24 hours.
We headed back to Mystic Vibes and I stayed to look for my phone. After midnight, I remembered that I had an Apple Mac laptop. A message to Mum and all my people letting them know I was still alive was sent.
The phone hasn't turned up...yet. Losing my phone, with all my life in that small gadget, was bad enough. Silly me had both of my bank cards and my driving/riding licenses in it's flip case. Shit! I had a bit of money on my to get by but not enough to get a new phone.
Those few days without my phone were frustrating and amazing. I lost the ability to navigate (so no decent walks or I'd not find my way home), order taxis and indrive (Nepali Uber, or to fill in those spare minutes that pass during an average day. However, it was really nice to disconnect. For the first time in a long time, I didn't know what was going on outside my immediate world and it was bliss.
I did go to see the police. They assigned 5 officers to my case and we all piled into an SUV with no working seatbelts and headed over to Baluwatar, near where I am staying. My 'find my iphone' was pinging the phone about 200 metres up the road from Mystic Vibes. We all walked around making enquiries to no avail. The police were all so apologetic for not being able to locate it. I need to go back and make the police report so I can claim a new phone on my travel insurance.
No money has been taken from the cards and the phone is still pinging so I am still hoping that someone will discover it and get it back to me.
My Mum is the MVP (most valuable person) of this tale. As I had no access to my money, she sent me the money (which I have already paid back) to get a new cheaper iphone and have enough money for the foreseeable future until I can have my replacement cards sent to me. Thanks Mum, love you.
With a new phone in hand and with the wonders of Apple icloud, I now have access to most of my data from my old phone (RIP old snapchat account)
Well, I had the most wonderful weekend without my phone and I'm not sorry. I got lost in Nepal for a crazy 36 hours and it was amazing!!! I knew everything would be ok. Is this me mellowing in my advancing age? Hahaha
The other day I took myself off to the Palace Museum in town. It is like a snapshot of days gone by. It smelt a bit like old people and I almost had a panic attack when I found myself all crowded in as the crowd, including a huge school group, wound through the palace and the compound. I think I might be particularly sensitive at the moment, You see, back in 2001, one of the King's relatives walked into the palace and mowed down the entire royal family with a machine gun. I could feel the trauma there and was relieved to leave there.
My time here is not yet over so I'm looking forward to more adventures as we going into the weekend. Vinay has invited me to his home to meet his family and I'm headed to a Nepali wedding reception too. At the end of the week, before I leave, there is a festival where The Elements will be playing. I can't wait!!!!
(I apologise for the dearth of photos in this post - you know, lost phone, and all)